The All Night Party

Brand Design / Artist Relations | 2009-2014

During my time at The All Night Party (a fee-for-service record label), I worked as a Designer, Producer, and Artist Relations Manager. I was responsible for leading the creative direction, marketing, and branding of the company, as well as managing relationships. One of my notable accomplishments was leading the development of unique digital music projects, like “Music Pizza” that resulted in new sales and artist accounts. I also bridged the gap between artists and the business, facilitating communication and understanding.

Additionally, I composed and produced custom music for an ADDY award-winning television ad, and coordinated all company events, including a successful multi-city tour that generated significant profits. Overall, I am proud of my contributions as a creative lead and producer for The All Night Party during my tenure.

Illustrator, Photoshop, WordPress, Logic

Custom music composition co-written by me.